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Website for entrepreneurs, teachers
and students.
Dozens of resources giving input to the what, why and how questions of sustainable business for small and medium sized tourism enterprises.

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A. Schnabler
This open-innovation support catalogue presents methods and materials for business support. Find tools for creating and narrating slow tourism products, marketing adventure tourism and more!
- English
- Easy
- 10 min
The SDG compass is a five-step guide for businesses to take actions on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Furthermore, the website gives a comprehensive overview of tools for different purposes worldwide.
- English
- Easy
CWSS Bostelmann
A sustainable business model canvas is a tool to help understand how a firm creates economic value and how it influences its social and environmental surroundings.
- English
- Hard
- 1 h
- Summary: 10 min
Hyke Studio
Video showing the entrance to the Geirangerfjord area - the northern part of the World heritage site West Norwegian Fjord landscapes. An area worth protecting.
- English
- Easy
- 4:51 min
Provincie Fryslan
The website Business Hub for Sustainability (bh4s.no) provides tools for improving sustainability in your business and it includes business examples and webinars.
- English/Norwegian
- Medium
- 15 min
Casper Tybjerg
When in need of a picture, the right one is always missing! The content pool of Danish Wadden Sea makes sharing digital resources like photos and videos convenient.
- Danish, German, English
- Easy
- 1-5 min
Lars Gejl
This website with links to video and report is about carbon emissions from tourism pre Covid-19. Are we flying like an eagle into the future?
- English
- Medium
- As long as you like
- Summary: 10 min
John Frikke
The publication gives an introduction to sustainable entrepreneurship in valuable nature areas and examples of how enterprises go about doing it.
- English
- Medium
- 1 hour
- Summary: 10 min
Else Ragni Yttredal
ENOVA contributes to the restructuring of energy use and energy production in a more sustainable direction - by co-financing business projects.
- Norwegian
- Easy
- As long as you like
- Summary: 10 min