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Website for entrepreneurs, teachers
and students.
Dozens of resources giving input to the what, why and how questions of sustainable business for small and medium sized tourism enterprises.

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In this ethnographic documentary, you will dive into the rich story of the old whalers’ house on
Texel in the Netherlands. The owners of the house, Annetje Capitain- Bendien, and Ineke Vonk,
historian and wife of a fisherman, investigate the history of the building. It has now become a
valuable cultural heritage site on Texel.
- English
- Easy
- 22:14 min
Norfolk County Council, David Kirkham
Examples of how small sustainable businesses were coping with Covid-19 in 2020; new ideas and new ways. Links to more information in the publication.
- English
- Easy
- 1 h
- Summary: 5 min
Norfolk County Council, David Kirkham
An example of how to use an SDG based tool to analyze sustainability improvements within an enterprise. Slettvoll AS is a furniture company established in 1951 and located at Stranda, Norway.
- English
- Easy
Provincie Fryslan
The CapSEM – model gives an overview of methods and tools to improve sustainability of businesses. The overview has proven to be helpful for organizations struggling to find a systematic approach.
- English
- Medium
- 1 h
- Summary: 15 min
Norfolk County Council, David Kirkham
The RESTART framework consists of steps that can help "restart" a business model with the aim of improving sustainability. An NHH business school video.
- Norwegian
- Easy
- 4:51 min
Norfolk County Council, David Kirkham
This report gives an overview of the what, why and how of ecolabelling for tourism SMEs. It contains pros and cons of ecolabelling and an overview of potential ecolabels.
- English
- Medium
- 3 h
- Summary: 15 min
Norfolk County Council, David Kirkham
Nature protection is an important way to preserve nature values. The Wash and North Norfolk Coast Special Area of Conservation (SAC) include three Special Protection Areas (SPAs). It is important because it is hosting significant populations of coastal bird species with total numbers reaching up to 450,000 at any one time.
- English
- Easy
- 5 min
Martin Stock
The Wadden Sea UNESCO World Heritage site is the largest unbroken system of intertidal sand and mud flats in the world. It encompasses almost the entire Wadden Sea in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands.
- English
- Easy
- As long as you like
Hyke Studio
Around the world 1154 sites are on the UNESCO world heritage list (November 23, 2021). They achieve their status based on cultural and/or natural values perceived to be of Outstanding Universal Values (OUV). The goal is to preserve these sites for the future.
- English
- Easy
- As long as you like